The strong energies emitting from this pyramid promotes strong energetic protection, mental clarity, a very calming and crystal clear outlook on life, and will help to cool and encourage good fluid flow within the circulatory system in ones physical body. The raw Brazilian quartz is the master healer which will clear and activate all energy centres in the body and will work on all ailments. Quartz induces amplification of the energy field in the location in which it resides. It produces a force field of healing negative ions while clearing the surrounding atmosphere of positive ions. It will cancel the harmful effects of radiation and radioactivity. A mental energiser, it enhances the aura and provides for amplification of the energy field of the body and provides mental clarity. The pieces of elite (noble) shungite has very strong grounding properties and earth energies and it provides a powerful defence against harmful energies created by the electromagnetic frequencies of manmade electronic devices.
Matrix: Raw Brazilian clear quartz, elite shungite, triple copper koru (spirals) amethyst crystals, rose quartz crystals, layer of amethyst crystals, copper ring, pyrite, mixed living metal shavings, rutilated quartz, pyrite, copper triskelion coil enclosed by a steel ring, and a proprietary blend of high amplifying crystal powder.
Base Diameter: 13.8cm Height: 10.2cm